8Cuts Burger Blends

For serious burger lovers, you have to visit 8Cuts Burger Blends. You can choose from the burger selection or let your imagination help you create your own burger masterpiece. It’s called 8Cuts Burger Blends because their burger patties are made…

Casa Verde

Eat your burger before it eats you!!! This monstrous burger is the star of the show. With its size, people need to have their pictures taken beside it. Something you must order at Casa Verde. The first time I experienced…

Top Three Burgers @ Caliburger

Before you order at Caliburger, read this first to help you choose which burger will satisfy you most. Here’s the list of the top three burgers at Caliburger. Top 3 : Chipotle BBQ Chicken Sandwich Chipotle is usually a smoked…

XO46 Heritage Bistro (Century City Mall)

Think of a Filipino dish. Imagine its taste, texture, and presentation elevated a few notches higher. That’s what I experienced at XO46 Heritage Bistro. When you enter this restaurant at Century Mall in Makati, there’s that uniquely Filipino feel that…

Giant Swing at the Sandbox

Swinging just took on a different level that will make you scream! The Giant Swing at the Sandbox Adventure Park in Porac Town of Pampanga Province, is the tallest swing I’ve experienced. I’ve tried it at least five times and…

AFC Angeles Fried Chicken

Historical can be yummy. Some people travel to visit the oldest spots of a particular place. There are also those who enjoy the food tour. Angeles Fried Chicken or AFC can probably give you both. They’re proud to be the…